I’m like a lot of people in 2020; I am struggling.
I live in a state where, on any given day, people will look at you with disdain for asking them to wear a mask or tell you straight to your face without an ounce of sarcasm that COVID-19 is some sort of Communist plot for the Democrats to take over the country.*
Meanwhile, I have an almost two-year-old at home who has always been small for his age, and I’d prefer he didn’t somehow get COVID. And as someone who has battled hypertension in the past, I’d prefer I didn’t get COVID, either.
(*This one is true. I paraphrased, but it’s true. I couldn’t get out of that customer’s sight fast enough.)
I’ve been neglecting this space, my Twitch, most everything these past two months. I hate the fact it’s had to go that way, but…yeah. I’ve had to adapt to temporarily be a single mom; my husband’s career in the National Guard has brought him to an important position on the other side of the state, and between work and Will, I’ve had to sacrifice.
But, I did something for myself, and in 2021, I’m setting that final goal to get out of retail. Be completely and totally DONE. There hasn’t been a lot of opportunity in North Dakota for a liberal Poli-Sci major…

So I’m headed back to school in the Fall of 2021!!!!!! The University of North Dakota’s Communication Department has classes in Social Media Strategy, Digital Video and Audio Production, Content Creation for Social Media… Basically, everything that I want.
Ever since discovering Twitch and getting back into Rooster Teeth content back in 2009-2010, I discovered that I love Digital Media. And Production. I’ve been trying to get into that to varying degrees; the year I spent writing for OpTic Intel, submitting freelance after that, and now I’m at Gaming Access Weekly. I applied to work at Game Informer this year on a whim, but to potentially be able to intern for them in the future? Heck-freaking-yeah. (I know, I’m a 30-some-year-old woman talking about interning. But it’s never too late to reinvent yourself. Hopefully.)
Anyway…Some other goals. Thanks for reading!
They seem to be giving me the same schedule at work, so hopefully, I’ll be able to stream again soon. I’ve put together some of my favorite parts from Nerd or Die overlays to make my stream more me, and I’ll attach some screenshots from SLOBS at the end of this post.
I’m going to start small on getting back to my YT channel. I’ve downloaded my Twitch streams, and I plan on uploading those while I get the chance. But ideally, I’d love to do just some low-key stuff; I’m not the kind of person who just bounces off the walls. I’d love to share more of my career-pivoting journey on YouTube.
I’m going to put together the pieces I wrote for Gaming Access Weekly’s Games of the Generation series together into a post for this site hopefully in the next week or so. I’m holding myself to get back to writing; especially because I’ll be doing a lot of it next year!
Just be done. I walk into work every day with the thought “Is this the day I somehow get COVID?” It’s not healthy. I know that. I work just as hard on trying to bring myself to work as I do at work, and my ten-year career in retail just needs to be over.
New Look for Stream
And finally, here’s a quick preview of a few scenes I’ve come up with. I’ve used a combination of Nova, Overdrive, and Synthwave from Nerd or Die.