Five Standout Demos from February’s Steam Next Fest
You'll want these on your wishlist, stat.
Virtual and fantasy worlds shaped a huge part of my childhood, from the moment I picked up a Nintendo zapper for the first time, or the first time I heard the Star Wars theme. In a way, it was Duck Hunt I have to thank for my competitive streak; that is, I hated it when the dog would laugh at you. I made it my quest to be able to finish the game, but unfortunately, I was never able to, as my older brother would break our Nintendo, and we wouldn’t have another console in the house for some years. That’s not to say I didn’t play anything for years. My first introduction to Lara Croft was on the PlayStation of my best friend’s older brother, during the first sleepover I was ever allowed to go to. I didn’t sleep that whole night, as I wanted to get as far as I could because I didn’t know if I’d be able to play it again. Her brother though, totally did me a solid and actually let me keep the memory card with my save on it.
I Stream Games! (When able)
(I can't embed the stream because of limitations with my host)
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I took a break from YouTube for a bit, but now, I'm using it as a place to upload past streams on Twitch, clips from those streams, reaction videos, and more. I'll keep my most recent video embedded in this section.