2019 became the year of do something you’re scared of for me. The end of 2018, I gave birth to my son, and believe me, that scared the absolute shit out of me. So, I did a number of things that scared me. The first and foremost, I guess, would be quitting the job I’d had for the last six and a half years. #Woot.
It was actually an easy decision once I DID it. The place was making me feel like absolute GARBAGE, and I was pretty sure we were headed towards a “Cool. You need to change your daycare or you’re not going to be working here” anymore situation anyway, but the thing that took the cake? I messed up. I know I did. AND I TOOK FULL RESPONSIBILITY for my messing up, which is something my boss couldn’t handle? I don’t know. But, then I started applying for other jobs, things I normally wouldn’t have applied for.
Did that go well? No, not really. I’m back in retail. But still applying for things not in retail!
The actual story of this post:
Doing a podcast has been something that’s been on my bucket list for ages. After religiously listening to the likes of What’s Good Games, Always Open, Dude Soup and the Rooster Teeth Podcast, it’s just been something I’ve wanted to do. And when Inside Gaming came back to life earlier this year? Inspired me even more to pull that trigger. The people involved in the above podcasts/segments have become personal heroes to me over the past year; Barbara Dunkelman and Mariel Salcedo from Always Open, Andrea Rene, Kristine Steimer, and Brittney Brombacher from What’s Good Games, the entirety of the crew at Funhaus, and Autumn Farrell on the Inside Gaming team.
It was actually listening to Jess Kovic’s podcast, Confessions of the Creative Kind, that caused me to pull the trigger. (Jess is Adam from Funhaus’ wife and a kickass artist.) And, FINALLY, #TheRandoCast was born.
Why #TheRandoCast?
It sounds really dumb, but, I like making up hashtags. Call it a ‘defusal’ mechanism. I’m a very self-deprecating person, and it ties into that. It’s also called #TheRandoCast because it’s random. Yes, I have a basic (READ: SUPER basic) outline of what I want my shows to be like, but I also want to be able to be flexible. “Life, Games, and Random Things” is basically my life. (Random also includes my uploading schedule.)